By now it's autumn, the days are getting darker and we're back inside more. Some people love it, others find it difficult and suffer from an autumn dip. By working on personal development you get to know yourself better and you find out what gives you energy, what costs you energy, what you find important in life and how you can focus on the positive things. All important factors that can help you get out of your autumn dip, take control of your life and feel better about yourself again.

To help you on your way, we have listed some nice Instagram and TikTok accounts that can inspire you in the areas of personal growth and mindset so that you can enjoy the dark days of autumn and find happiness in the little things. Grab yourself a cup of tea, make yourself cozy and have fun reading! 

She flore (Jessie Jazz Vuijk)

Instagram: @she.flore
TikTok: @sheflore

Social media mindset

She flore is a platform founded by Jessie Jazz Vuijk. For a long time she dreamed of a place where she could be completely herself and show her spiritual side. In the past she was afraid people would think she was a geek for that, but with her platform She flore she has changed that.

With the Transform Your Life program, in which she has translated all her life lessons into concrete assignments, visualizations and meditations, she helps women connect with each other in love so they can feel free and happy, stand in their power and live their dream life.

On She flore's Instagram page, you'll find fun posts about both mental and physical health and really experience the feeling of a community. In addition, there are often live videos where guests are invited to talk about certain topics. In short: plenty of fun inspiration.

Shanna Proost

Instagram: @shanna_proost

Social media mindset

Shanna Proost has her own company called Darling Life. With this platform she inspires women through training and courses to get everything out of their lives. Growth, development and connection are number one where the biggest goal is that you start living your favorite life.

Shanna also shares a lot about her family and her life as a mother of two sons. For example, she gives tips on what she faces in her daily life and motherhood to inspire and help other women with the same struggles. Highly recommended to follow if you are interested in self-development.

Sanny Seeks Happiness (Sanny Verhoeven)

Instagram: @sanny searches for happiness
TikTok: @sannyverhoeven

Social media mindset

Sanny deals with mental health, mindset and happiness. She does this by offering various things on her platform "Sanny seeks Happiness. Among other things, she has an online program to help people live a more positive and happy life. She also offers various meditations and vlogs about her daily life as a mom and entrepreneur in which she gives many fine and practical tips.

With her Instagram and Tiktok account, she shares photos and videos to turn on your awareness and shares tips for living a happier life. This interspersed with posts about her family and two daughters makes it great fun to follow her.

The School of Mental Health (Anaïta)

Instagram: @theschoolofmentalhealth

Social media mindset

The School of Mental Health was founded by life coach Anaïta Nasser. Her traumatic past caused her to do this work and now help others on their journey to good mental health. With her company, she offers coaching, but also has her own podcast and even hosts a "mental health festival" where women come together to connect and relax with each other.

On her Instagram, Anaïta shares very practical tips that make you think, allowing you to create a brief moment of awareness in your day. Small steps make the big difference.

Conscious Enjoyment (Axel Mulders)

Instagram: @bewustgenieten
TikTok: @awaregenieten

Social media mindset

Under the name 'Conscious Enjoyment' Axel Mulders inspires others to come closer to themselves and experience more joy in life. He does this through the Conscious Enjoyment Podcast, but also by posting fun inspiring videos on Tiktok and Instagram. In these videos he shares a lot about mindset, spirituality, awareness and self-development in a cheerful and enthusiastic way that immediately gets you inspired and motivated. Highly recommended!

Life To The Mex (Maxie)

Instagram: @lifetothemex
TikTok: @lifetothemex

Social media mindset

Maxie (also often called Mex), through her Instagram and Tiktok account, takes you through her journey from student to big people life and how to make this journey fantastic. To guide young women through this, she created the platform called Life to the Mex. On her website, she offers several free e-books on health, personal growth and mindset. She also shares daily tips and motivation on her Instagram and Tiktok page with which she inspires you to create your very best life in an accessible and practical way.

Palmsets (Anouk)

Instagram: @palmsets
TikTok: @palmsets

Social media mindset

Anouk takes you through her personal journey as a highly sensitive person in a society where there are endless stimuli. After a time of many anxiety attacks and finding out that she is highly sensitive, she now inspires others to see their high sensitivity as a strength instead of a weakness. She does this through photos and videos with practical tips and exercises, often using humor as well. A fun account to follow if you are interested in personal growth and mindset, even if you are not highly sensitive.

Gwen van Poorten

Instagram: @gwenvanpoorten
TikTok: @gwenvanpoortentiktok

Social media mindset

Many know her as a Dutch presenter who became best known for her work at BNNVARA, but in addition she has a passion for self-development. Because of a burnout she faced at a young age, she became interested in the world of mental health and self-care. She sought answers on how to be successful in terms of ambition and mental and physical health and discusses these answers in her podcast called the #METZNALLENdepodcast. Along with this, she also shares short videos on Instagram and Tiktok in which she encourages you to put yourself first and be more conscious about your own life and happiness.

- Anna Sophie Slingerland