Welcome to Sophie Stone, your new destination for sustainable fashion with the addition of the cool Amsterdam-based brand O MY BAG to our assortment. Discover now the most beautiful bags that are not only stylish, but also have a positive impact on our world. Discover O MY BAG's mission and why it fits perfectly with our mission for sustainable fashion.

Sustainability x O MY BAG x Impact makers

O MY BAG's story revolves around making a positive difference in the world by connecting producers in small communities to the global market and creating fair employment opportunities. The brand creates social impact in India while trying to reduce its carbon footprint as much as possible.

Fairly made & living wage

The ethical journey is at the heart of what O My Bag stands for. Its founder, Paulien, had a vision of a brand that would connect artisans in small communities to the global market and create fair labor opportunities. Together with its partners, the brand offers training programs in skills and gender equality. They also invest in local communities by giving back (giving back) through various social projects around Kolkata, India. All with the goal of making a positive difference in the world. 

Another important starting point is the "Living Wage. This can have a positive impact on the decisions workers make about health, nutrition, family, safety and their future. For this reason, O MY BAG sees it as its duty to strive for a living wage for all workers.

Sustainable materials

Ensuring the bags' longevity and durability is essential in the design process. At the same time, the brand always strives to choose sustainable, eco-friendly materials. 

The high-quality leather is tanned without the use of chromium. The choice to work with naturally tanned leather is not only because of human and environmental safety, but also because it gives the products a natural and distinctive look. To verify the absence of chromium, the leather is tested by independent laboratories. Instead of chromium, vegetable tanning agents are used in the tanning process.

Besides leather, the brand also uses a lot of cotton as a material, for the lining on the inside of the bags, the woven straps, the canvas products and the tote bags. All the cotton material comes from DibellaIndia, an innovative organization based in southern India. Dibella guarantees traceability back to the farmer and ensures that cotton farmers receive a fair price. All the cotton is certified GOTS or GRS and the dyes used in the woven bands are also organic.

Sustainable vegan bags

Uppeal™ is part of O MY BAG's vegan collection and is produced by two innovative factories, Frumat and Mabel Synthetic, based in Italy. This bio-based material is made from apples and uses waste products from the local fruit juice and applesauce industry. Like real leather bags, this vegan alternative to leather is also a byproduct of an industry that uses "waste" as a resource. It is a sustainable and eco-friendly material that is 100% vegan.