Within my work week, I often don't have nearly enough time to post a new and inspiring article on the slow blog. Which I really regret because I would love to share my knowledge about sustainable clothing and textiles with you. But writing a blog post takes a lot of time for me, because I am not really a writer. However, I do want to tell you more about slow fashion and guide you towards a conscious and sustainable lifestyle. Therefore today I have selected 4 fair fashion blogs for you to keep an eye on.



Fashion blog

1. Sara from When Sara Smiles

And then one of my favorite blogs: When Sara Smiles. Sara takes you on her personal journey to a conscious closet: a wardrobe with love for the planet, for its makers and for yourself. Besides the fact that the articles are great reads, I also learn a lot about how the complex clothing industry works and about the mindset of a consumer. Because Sara is right, if consumers start consuming differently - and we mean consuming - and learn more about what really makes them happy, they will make very different choices.

And then I also want to talk about the #fairfashionootd on her Instagram When_Sara_Smiles. Sara shows that you really don't have to wear a new outfit in every photo. Through Instagram, she shows that having your own style is the key to a sustainable wardrobe, and that you can repeat it endlessly just fine.


 Fashion blog

2. Let's Talk slow

The next blogger I think you should definitely keep an eye on is Stephanie from the blog Let's Talk Slow. Who has since become a friend of mine. Incredibly fun to notice how Instagram can bring people with similar interests together. Stephanie gives on her blog and Instagram many tips on a sustainable and conscious lifestyle. From zero-waste in the bathroom and fair fashion to eco travel. Everything is covered. Stephanie launches April 12 her e-book in which she helps you get a sustainable closet in no time.



Fashion blog

3. Mochni

For Fair Fashion blog number four, we're crossing the border. Mochni is a Hamburg-based blog run by Antonia. Mochni.com is an online platform focused on sustainable fashion and a conscious lifestyle. The blog strives for transparency and wants to share reliable knowledge with their readers. Also be sure to take a look at Mochni's inspiring Instagram.



Fashion blog

4. Gabrielle Koster

Finally, I would like to put a special lady in the spotlight. And that is Gabriëlle Koster, she regularly writes about sustainable fashion on various online channels and in Holland's biggest fashion magazines like an Elle. And I think that's super! Therefore, Gabriëlle should definitely not be missing in this list. Follow her on Instagram is also highly recommended. This for eco-beauty and sustainable travel tips, among other things.


Do you know of any other sustainable clothing blogs?

Do you have a sustainable blog or know of one you think I should follow? Let me know in a comment below! I'm sure there are many more inspiring bloggers out there. And would you happen to like to be a guest blogger for Sophie Stone? If so, I'd love to hear about that too.

- Nienke Kütter