Hi, welcome to yet another third blog about the item of the week. Last week we took a closer look at the lumberjack shirt and this week we're going to tell you more about cashmere.
What is cashmere?
Cashmere/cashmere is wool derived from the Kashmiri goat. They call it cashmere because this goat comes from the region of Kashmir in India. Since the 17th century, this wool has been made into scarves and cloths. Cashmere is the part of the wool closest to the skin of the goat, which makes it very soft.

Durability of cashmere
Cashmere is a natural material that, when cared for properly, can last for years. Because cashmere is self-cleaning and you hardly need to wash it, it is better for the environment than synthetic wool, or acrylic, for example. Because of its natural insulation and breathability, you can wear cashmere most of the year.
Cashmere wool vs. regular wool
Cashmere has a smoother surface than wool, therefore it feels softer and does not itch. The yarn is very light and soft yet hard-wearing. Because cashmere consists of curly hairs, a layer of air is created between the hairs. This layer keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter. Because cashmere is a fine yarn, it creates a dense yarn quality when spun. Because of this, cashmere is even twice as warm as wool.
How do you wash cashmere?
In general, you don't need to wash cashmere. Because it is a natural product it cleans itself. So you could hang the item outside occasionally. If there is a stain in it, the best way to fix it is with a hand wash and wool soap. Want to know more about washing clothes? Then check out our care page where you can see the best way to wash each item.
Cashmere items at Sophie Stone
At Sophie Stone, we have wonderfully soft sweaters and long sleeves made of cashmere. These will keep you wonderfully warm in winter, without feeling sweaty. We also have a collection of cashmere accessories such as hats, scarves, gloves, headbands and a cashmere shawl. These are from the brand Rifo. We import this brand directly from Italy and its items are extra special because they are made from recycled cashmere. So doubly sustainable!