What is the Fair Trade cotton label? This label indicates that the cotton a garment is made of has been grown in a fair, sustainable way. So this label is really about the beginning of the chain, namely the cotton plant. Whether the cotton fiber was grown in a fair way. The processing of cotton into a finished product is assessed by another label, GOTS. The Fair Trade cotton label focuses on farmers and plantation workers and wants to strengthen their position and rights. 



The label pays attention to the use of pesticides and how water is handled in the fields and plantation. Thus, organic farming is encouraged and no dangerous chemical pesticides may be used. In general, artificial fertilizers and pesticides should be used as little as possible.Responsible waste and water management are also monitored. Genetically modified cotton may not be used and international regulations on environmental protection must be adhered to. 


No child labor, forced labor or discrimination may take place and a healthy and safe working environment must be ensured. In addition, plantation workers and farmers are obliged to unite in cooperatives and workers' committees. This allows the interests of the workers to be better represented. In addition, buyers of the cotton are obliged to pay a minimum price plus development premium. 


Verification of compliance with these rules, obligations and guidelines is done by independent, accredited parties. 

At Sophie Stone, the Dedicated brand makes extensive use of Fair Trade cotton.