Which clothes are best hung up and which are better stored lying down? An important part of taking care of your clothes is storing them. Especially if you have a full closet, your clothes can easily get damaged. Therefore, first make sure that your closet is not too full (read here how to give clothes a second life). But which garment do you store in which way? Here are some basic rules for storing your clothes neatly.

These items are best to hang in your closet

Clothing that is made of a sturdy fabric stays the best when hung on a clothes hanger. These are items such as jackets, blazers, pantaloons, dresses and blouses. Hanging these items keeps them in nice shape and also prevents the clothes from wrinkling. You take a clothes hanger through the bottom of the garment up through the neck, so never "stuff" a clothes hanger into the garment through the neck. This prevents the neck from stretching or damaging. Hang the clothing the same way you wear it, so close or open the buttons as well. This keeps the garment in the right shape.

Clothing storage tips


These items are best folded in your closet

Certain garments stay nicer if you fold them. This is mainly the case with garments that contain stretch and knits. If you hang these up, they can lose their shape and stretch. It is best to fold these knit garments and store them in drawers or shelves in the closet. Clothes that are best stored folded are especially knit and wool sweaters and cardigans, and jeans.

After reading these tips, did you get the storage taste? And do you want to take it one step further? Then we would like to refer you to tidying guru Marie Kondo.

- Anna Sophie Slingerland